We highlight from the offer: Kantrida residence


  • Price 360,000€
  • Area 633.00 m²
  • Transaction For sale
  • Type Land
  • Land type construction,
  • ID Code HZ2037


Prodaje se građevinsko zemljište 633m2 s građevinskom dozvolom za kuću s tri stana i plaćenim komunalijama. S zemljišta se pruža djelomičan pogled na more.

Dear customers, in accordance with the Law on Mediation in Real Estate Transactions, viewing the property is only possible with the signature of the Mediation Agreement. According to the same, the buyer is obliged to pay the agency commission in case of purchase.


Sandy Vinsky
Licensed agent
Mobile: 098 443 289
Phone: 051 222 673
Email: info@sendi-realestate.com

For sale is a building plot of 633m² with a building permit for a house with three apartments and paid utilities. The plot offers a partial sea view.

Dear customers, in accordance with the Real Estate Brokerage Act, viewing the property is possible only with the signing of a Brokerage Agreement. Accordingly, the buyer is obliged to pay the agency commission in case of purchase.

ID CODE: 2037

Sandy Vinsky
Licensed agent
Mobile: 098 443 289
Phone: 051 222 673
Email: info@sendi-realestate.com

In vendita un terreno edificabile di 633m² con permesso di costruzione per una casa con tre appartamenti e utenze pagate. Il terreno offre una vista parziale sul mare.

Gentili clienti, in conformità con la Legge sulla Mediazione Immobiliare, la visita alla proprietà è possibile solo con la firma di un Contratto di Mediazione. Di conseguenza, l’acquirente è obbligato a pagare la commissione dell’agenzia in caso di acquisto.

ID CODE: 2037

Sandy Vinsky
Licensed agent
Mobile: 098 443 289
Phone: 051 222 673
Email: info@sendi-realestate.com

Zum Verkauf steht ein Baugrundstück von 633m² mit einer Baugenehmigung für ein Haus mit drei Wohnungen und bezahlten Versorgungsanschlüssen. Das Grundstück bietet einen teilweisen Meerblick.

Liebe Kunden, gemäß dem Immobilienvermittlungsgesetz ist die Besichtigung der Immobilie nur mit Unterzeichnung eines Vermittlungsvertrages möglich. Dementsprechend ist der Käufer verpflichtet, die Vermittlungsprovision im Falle eines Kaufs zu zahlen.

ID CODE: 2037

Sandy Vinsky
Licensed agent
Mobile: 098 443 289
Phone: 051 222 673
Email: info@sendi-realestate.com

Naprodaj je zazidljivo zemljišče 633m² z gradbenim dovoljenjem za hišo s tremi stanovanji in plačanimi komunalijami. Zemljišče ponuja delni pogled na morje.

Spoštovani kupci, v skladu z Zakonom o nepremičninskem posredovanju je ogled nepremičnine možen le s podpisom pogodbe o posredovanju. Skladno s tem je kupec dolžan plačati provizijo agencije v primeru nakupa.

ID CODE: 2037

Sandy Vinsky
Licensed agent
Mobile: 098 443 289
Phone: 051 222 673
Email: info@sendi-realestate.com


  • City Ika - Opatija - Surroundings, Opatija - Surroundings
  • County Primorje-Gorski Kotar County
  • Voda, Gradski vodovod, Telefon,
  • Utilities
  • Building permit, Ownership certificate,
  • Permissions
  • Trgovina, Blizina mora, Igralište,
  • Proximity to content

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  • Sandy