Mirna i lijepa lokacija ograđena parcela te lijep raspored prostorija, čine ovu prizemnicu idealnom prilikom za sve koji traže lijepu uređenu nekretninu s okućnicom koju je moguće prilagoditi kako za obiteljski život tako i u turističke svrhe.
Uz kuću ostaje kompletno sva aparatura sto se tiče održavanja kuće i same okućnice.
Dear customers, in accordance with the Law on Mediation in Real Estate Transactions, viewing the property is only possible with the signature of the Mediation Agreement. According to the same, the buyer is obliged to pay the agency commission in case of purchase.
Sandy Vinsky
Licensed agent
Mobile: 098 443 289
Phone: 051 222 673
Email: info@sendi-realestate.com
A quiet and beautiful location, a fenced plot and a nice layout of the rooms, make this one-story house an ideal opportunity for anyone looking for a nice, well-arranged property with a garden that can be adapted both for family life and for tourist purposes.
With the house, all the equipment that concerns the maintenance of the house and the garden itself remains.
Dear customers, in accordance with the Law on Brokerage in Real Estate, viewing the property is only possible with the signature of the Brokerage Agreement. According to the same, the buyer is obliged to pay the agency commission in case of purchase.
ID CODE: 1827
Sandy Vinsky
Licensed agent
Mobile: 098 443 289
Phone: 051 222 673
Email: info@sendi-realestate.com
Una posizione tranquilla e bella, un terreno recintato e una bella disposizione degli ambienti, rendono questa casa su un piano un’opportunità ideale per chi cerca una bella proprietà ben organizzata con giardino che possa essere adattata sia alla vita familiare che finalità turistiche.
Insieme alla casa restano tutte le attrezzature che riguardano la manutenzione della casa e del giardino stesso.
Gentili clienti, in contibito con la legge sull'intermediazione immobiliare, la visione dell'immobile è possibile con la firma del contratto di intermediazione. Secondo lo stesso, l'acquirente è tenuto a pagare la commissione d'agenzia in caso di acquisto.
ID CODE: 1827
Sandy Vinsky
Licensed agent
Mobile: 098 443 289
Phone: 051 222 673
Email: info@sendi-realestate.com
Eine ruhige und schöne Lage, ein eingezäuntes Grundstück und eine schöne Aufteilung der Räume machen dieses einstöckige Haus zu einer idealen Gelegenheit für alle, die ein schönes, übersichtliches Anwesen mit einem Garten suchen, der sich sowohl für das Familienleben als auch für das Familienleben eignet touristische Zwecke.
Mit dem Haus verbleibt die gesamte Ausrüstung, die die Instandhaltung des Hauses und des Gartens selbst betrifft.
Sehr geehrte Kunden, gemäß dem Immobilienmaklergesetz ist eine Besichtigung der Immobilie nur mit der Unterzeichnung des Maklervertrags möglich. Demnach ist der Käufer im Falle eines Kaufes zur Zahlung der Vermittlungsprovision vermichtet.
ID CODE: 1827
Sandy Vinsky
Licensed agent
Mobile: 098 443 289
Phone: 051 222 673
Email: info@sendi-realestate.com
Mirna in lepa lokacija, ograjena parcela in lepa razporeditev prostorov, naredijo to enonadstropno hišo idealno priložnost za vse, ki iščejo lepo, lepo urejeno nepremičnino z vrtom, ki je primerna tako za družinsko življenje kot za turistične namene.
S hišo ostane vsa oprema, ki zadeva vzdrževanje hiše in samega vrta.
Dear customers, in accordance with the Law on Real Estate Brokerage, viewing of the property is only possible with the signing of the brokerage contract. According to the same, the buyer is obliged to pay the agency commission in the case of purchase.
ID CODE: 1827
Sandy Vinsky
Licensed agent
Mobile: 098 443 289
Phone: 051 222 673
Email: info@sendi-realestate.com
Ardor Real Estate is a real estate agency that sells houses, apartments and business premises.
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