We highlight from the offer: Kantrida residence

Poreč, a luxurious and modern villa for a perfect life

  • 2,200,000€
For sale
  • 12
  • Rooms
  • 3
  • Bedrooms
  • 4
  • Bathrooms
  • 416.52
  • 2019,
  • Year build


Poreč is a city located in the heart of the western coast of Istria. A city of culture, tourism, sports and entertainment, awarded multiple times for its orderliness and cleanliness. In a quiet and elite area next to the famous Parenzana, surrounded by family villas, a luxury villa with a swimming pool is for sale. This architectural masterpiece consists of a ground floor and a first floor, with a total area of 416.52 m2. On the ground floor, there is an entrance area, an anteroom, storage and "utility", a guest toilet and a spacious living room with kitchen and dining room. On the first floor, there is a master bedroom with a dressing room and its own bathroom, and two bedrooms with their own dressing rooms and bathrooms. The house was built in the Italian-American style, separated by terraces with a beautiful view of the sea. The villa has a modern architecture concept, the decoration follows the minimalist interior with large external openings and lots of light. It was conceived as a complete living space with a series of interconnected, open levels, through which the various functions of the residence are connected and interwoven. Underfloor heating with electricity, cooling with air conditioning. 24 plates with crystals are placed in the floor, which are connected by an optical cable, which have a therapeutic effect on the psychophysical health of a person.
The smart house, which was built to high standards, offers the pleasure of living even to the most demanding hedonists.


Sandy Vinsky
Licensed agent
Mobile: 098 443 289
Tel: 051 222 673
Email: info@sendi-realestate.com

Poreč is a city located in the heart of the western coast of Istria. A city of culture, tourism, sports and
entertainment, awarded multiple times for its orderliness and cleanliness. This realestae is
positioned in a quiet and elite area next to the famous Parenzana, surrounded by family villas. This
architectural masterpiece consists of a ground floor and a first floor, with a total living area of 416.52
m2 and the land plot of 1.160 m2. On the ground floor there is an entrance area, an anteroom, a
storage room and “utility”, a guest toilet and you enter a spacious living room with a kitchen and
dining room. On the first floor are three master bedrooms with a walk in wardrobe and its own
bathrooms. The vila was built in the Italian-American style with a beautiful view of the sea. The villa
has a modern architecture concept, the decoration follows the minimalist interior with large exterior
openings and lots of light. It was conceived as a complete living space with a series of
interconnected, open levels, through which the different functions of the residence are connected
and interwoven. Underfloor heating with electricity, cooling with air conditioning. 24 plates with
crystals are placed in the floor. This crystals have therapeutic effect on the psychophysical health of
a person.
The smart house, which was built to high standards, offers the pleasure of living even to the most
demanding hedonists.

ID CODE: 137

Sandy Vinsky
Licensed agent
Mobile: 098 443 289
Tel: 051 222 673
Email: info@sendi-realestate.com

Parenzo è una città situata nel cuore della costa occidentale dell’Istria. Città della cultura, del turismo, dello sport e del divertimento, più volte premiata per l’ordine e la pulizia. In zona tranquilla ed elitaria accanto alla famosa Parenzana, circondata da ville unifamiliari, è in vendita una villa di lusso con piscina. Questo capolavoro architettonico è composto da un piano terra e un primo piano, con una superficie totale di 416,52 m2. Al piano terra troviamo un ingresso, un disimpegno, un ripostiglio e “ripostiglio”, un bagno per gli ospiti e si accede ad un ampio soggiorno con cucina e sala da pranzo. Al primo piano si trovano una camera padronale con cabina armadio e proprio bagno, e due camere da letto con propri spogliatoi e bagni. La casa è stata costruita in stile italo-americano, separata da terrazze con una bellissima vista sul mare. La villa ha un concetto di architettura moderna, la decorazione segue l’interno minimalista con grandi aperture esterne e molta luce. È stato concepito come uno spazio abitativo completo con una serie di livelli interconnessi e aperti, attraverso i quali le diverse funzioni della residenza sono collegate e intrecciate. Riscaldamento a pavimento con elettricità, raffrescamento con aria condizionata. Nel pavimento sono poste 24 lastre con cristalli, collegate da un cavo ottico, che hanno un effetto terapeutico sulla salute psicofisica di una persona.
La casa intelligente, costruita secondo standard elevati, offre il piacere di vivere anche agli edonisti più esigenti.

ID CODE: 137

Sandy Vinsky
Licensed agent
Mobile: 098 443 289
Tel: 051 222 673
Email: info@sendi-realestate.com

Poreč ist eine Stadt im Herzen der Westküste Istriens. Eine Stadt der Kultur, des Tourismus, des Sports und der Unterhaltung, mehrfach ausgezeichnet für ihre Ordnung und Sauberkeit. In einer ruhigen und elitären Gegend neben der berühmten Parenzana, umgeben von Familienvillen, steht eine Luxusvilla mit Swimmingpool zum Verkauf. Dieses architektonische Meisterwerk besteht aus einem Erdgeschoss und einem ersten Stock mit einer Gesamtfläche von 416,52 m2. Im Erdgeschoss befinden sich ein Eingangsbereich, ein Vorraum, ein Abstellraum und „Hauswirtschaftsraum“, ein Gäste-WC und Sie betreten ein großzügiges Wohnzimmer mit Küche und Esszimmer. Auf der ersten Etage befinden sich ein Hauptschlafzimmer mit Ankleide und eigenem Bad sowie zwei Schlafzimmer mit eigenen Ankleidezimmern und Bädern. Das Haus wurde im italienisch-amerikanischen Stil erbaut, getrennt durch Terrassen mit schönem Blick auf das Meer. Die Villa hat ein modernes Architekturkonzept, die Dekoration folgt dem minimalistischen Interieur mit großen Außenöffnungen und viel Licht. Es wurde als vollständiger Wohnraum mit einer Reihe miteinander verbundener, offener Ebenen konzipiert, durch die die verschiedenen Funktionen der Residenz verbunden und miteinander verwoben sind. Fußbodenheizung mit Strom, Kühlung mit Klimaanlage. Im Boden sind 24 Platten mit Kristallen platziert, die durch ein optisches Kabel verbunden sind und eine therapeutische Wirkung auf die psychophysische Gesundheit einer Person haben.
Das hochwertig gebaute Smart House bietet selbst anspruchsvollsten Hedonisten Wohngenuss.

ID CODE: 137

Sandy Vinsky
Licensed agent
Mobile: 098 443 289
Tel: 051 222 673
Email: info@sendi-realestate.com

Poreč je mesto, ki leži v osrčju zahodne obale Istre. Mesto kulture, turizma, športa in zabave, večkrat nagrajeno za urejenost in čistočo. V mirnem in elitnem predelu ob znameniti Parenzani, obdani z družinskimi vilami, je naprodaj luksuzna vila z bazenom. To arhitekturno mojstrovino sestavljata pritličje in nadstropje s skupno površino 416,52 m2. V pritličju je vhodni prostor, predsoba, shramba in “utility”, WC za goste in vstopite v prostorno dnevno sobo s kuhinjo in jedilnico. V prvem nadstropju se nahaja glavna spalnica z garderobo in lastno kopalnico ter dve spalnici z lastnimi garderobami in kopalnicami. Hiša je zgrajena v italijansko-ameriškem slogu, ločena s terasami s čudovitim pogledom na morje. Vila ima sodoben arhitekturni koncept, dekoracija sledi minimalistični notranjosti z velikimi zunanjimi odprtinami in veliko svetlobe. Zamišljen je bil kot celovit bivalni prostor z vrsto medsebojno povezanih odprtih nivojev, skozi katere se povezujejo in prepletajo različne funkcije bivanja. Talno gretje na elektriko, hlajenje s klimo. V tla je postavljenih 24 plošč s kristali, ki so povezani z optičnim kablom, ki terapevtsko delujejo na psihofizično zdravje človeka.
Pametna hiša, zgrajena po visokih standardih, nudi užitek bivanja tudi najzahtevnejšim hedonistom.

ID CODE: 137

Sandy Vinsky
Licensed agent
Mobile: 098 443 289
Tel: 051 222 673
Email: info@sendi-realestate.com


  • City Poreč, Poreč - Poreč
  • County County of Istria


  • Price 2,200,000€
  • Type House
  • Transaction For sale
  • Area 416.52 m²
  • Rooms 12
  • Bedrooms 3
  • Bathrooms 4
  • Total floors 1
  • Parking spaces 5
  • Land surface 1160.00 m²
  • Year build 2019
  • ID Code HZ137
  • Heating, air conditioning and ventilation system,
  • Heating
  • A+,
  • Energy class
  • Water, Central heating, City water supply, Telephone, Air conditioning, City gas, Gas, Electricity, Heating, Asphalt road, City sewerage,
  • Utilities
  • Intercom, Satellite TV, Alarm system, Cable TV, Internet,
  • Technique
  • Title deed, Operating permit, Building permit,
  • Permissions
  • 5,
  • Parking spaces
  • Park, Sports center, Post office, Bank, Shop, Near the sea, Fitness, Playground, Kindergarten, School, Public transport,
  • Proximity to content

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