We highlight from the offer: Kantrida residence

Bribir, projekt za izgradnju kuće sa 2 stana i bazenom

  • 650,000€
For sale Investments
  • 4
  • Rooms
  • 4
  • Bathrooms
  • 130.00


NA PRODAJU: Projekt u gradnji – Bribir, obiteljska kuća sa bazenom

U mjestu Bribir, samo 5 km od Crikvenice, okružena prirodom i s pogledom na more, gradi se atraktivna obiteljska kuća s bazenom. Trenutno primamo rezervacije za investiranje tijekom gradnje.

Kuća se može izgraditi sa dva stana, svaki od 65 m2. Planirana je i izgradnja terase, okoliša i bazena.

Osigurana su dva parkirna mjesta za vlasnike.

Plaćen projekt predan na urbanizam.

Cijena zemljišta sa ovim projektom 85.000€ sa provizijom.
Opcija roh-bau 350.000€ s bazenom i svim zidovima, sve u betonu, betonski krov s izolacijom i limom.
Cijena ključ u ruke od 650.000€ ovisi o dodatnoj opremi.

Dear customers, in accordance with the Law on Mediation in Real Estate Transactions, viewing the property is only possible with the signature of the Mediation Agreement. According to the same, the buyer is obliged to pay the agency commission in case of purchase.


Andrea De Matteo
Collaborator in the training process
Mobile: 0953311000
Phone: 051222673
Email: andrea.dematteo@ardor-realestate.com

Sandy Vinsky
Licensed agent
Mobile: 098 443 289
Phone: 051 222 673
Email: info@sendi-realestate.com

FOR SALE: Project under construction – Bribir, family house with swimming pool

An attractive family house with a swimming pool is being built in Bribir, only 5 km from Crikvenica, surrounded by nature and overlooking the sea. We are currently accepting reservations for investment during construction.

The house can be built with two apartments, each of 65 m2. The construction of a terrace, environment and swimming pool is also planned.

Two parking spaces are provided for the owners.

Paid project handed over to urban planning.

The price of the land with this project is €85,000 with commission.
Roh-bau option €350,000 with pool and all walls, all in concrete, concrete roof with insulation and sheet metal.
The turnkey price of €650,000 depends on additional equipment.

Dear customers, in accordance with the Law on Mediation in Real Estate Transactions, viewing the property is only possible with the signature of the Mediation Agreement. According to the same, the buyer is obliged to pay the agency commission in case of purchase.

ID CODE: 2207

Andrea De Matteo
Collaborator in the training process
Mobile: 0953311000
Phone: 051222673
Email: andrea.dematteo@ardor-realestate.com

Sandy Vinsky
Licensed agent
Mobile: 098 443 289
Phone: 051 222 673
Email: info@sendi-realestate.com

IN VENDITA: Progetto in costruzione – Bribir, casa bifamiliare con piscina

A Bribir, a soli 5 km da Crikvenica, immersa nella natura e con vista sul mare, è in costruzione una bella casa unifamiliare con piscina. Attualmente accettiamo prenotazioni per investimenti in fase di costruzione.

La casa può essere realizzata con due appartamenti di 65 mq ciascuno. È prevista inoltre la costruzione di una terrazza, di un ambiente e di una piscina.

Per i proprietari sono previsti due posti auto.

Progetto retribuito affidato alla pianificazione urbanistica.

Il prezzo del terreno con questo progetto è di € 85.000 con commissione.
Opzione Roh-bau € 350.000 con piscina e tutte le pareti, tutto in cemento, tetto in cemento con isolamento e lamiera.
Il prezzo chiavi in ​​mano di € 650.000 dipende dalle attrezzature aggiuntive.

Gentili clienti, ai sensi della legge sulla mediazione nelle transazioni immobiliari, la visione dell’immobile è possibile solo con la firma dell’accordo di mediazione. Secondo lo stesso, l’acquirente è tenuto a pagare la commissione d’agenzia in caso di acquisto.

ID CODE: 2207

Andrea De Matteo
Collaborator in the training process
Mobile: 0953311000
Phone: 051222673
Email: andrea.dematteo@ardor-realestate.com

Sandy Vinsky
Licensed agent
Mobile: 098 443 289
Phone: 051 222 673
Email: info@sendi-realestate.com

ZU VERKAUFEN: Projekt im Bau – Bribir, Einfamilienhaus mit Swimmingpool

In Bribir, nur 5 km von Crikvenica entfernt, entsteht ein attraktives Familienhaus mit Swimmingpool, umgeben von Natur und mit Blick auf das Meer. Derzeit nehmen wir Reservierungen für Investitionen während der Bauphase entgegen.

Das Haus kann mit zwei Wohnungen von jeweils 65 m2 bebaut werden. Der Bau einer Terrasse, einer Umgebung und eines Schwimmbades ist ebenfalls geplant.

Den Eigentümern stehen zwei Parkplätze zur Verfügung.

Bezahltes Projekt an Stadtplanung übergeben.

Der Grundstückspreis für dieses Projekt beträgt 85.000 € inklusive Provision.
Rohbau-Option 350.000 € mit Pool und allen Wänden, alles aus Beton, Betondach mit Isolierung und Blech.
Der schlüsselfertige Preis von 650.000 € hängt von der Zusatzausstattung ab.

Sehr geehrte Kunden, gemäß dem Immobilienmaklergesetz ist eine Besichtigung der Immobilie nur mit der Unterzeichnung des Maklervertrags möglich. Demnach ist der Käufer im Falle eines Kaufes zur Zahlung der Vermittlungsprovision vermichtet.

ID CODE: 2207

Andrea De Matteo
Collaborator in the training process
Mobile: 0953311000
Phone: 051222673
Email: andrea.dematteo@ardor-realestate.com

Sandy Vinsky
Licensed agent
Mobile: 098 443 289
Phone: 051 222 673
Email: info@sendi-realestate.com

PRODAMO: Projekt v izgradnji – Bribir, družinska hiša z bazenom

Atraktivna družinska hiša z bazenom se gradi v Bribirju, le 5 km od Crikvenice, obdana z naravo in s pogledom na morje. Trenutno sprejemamo rezervacije za investicijo v času gradnje.

Hišo je možno zgraditi z dvema stanovanjema, vsako po 65 m2. Predvidena je tudi izgradnja terase, okolja in bazena.

Za lastnike sta zagotovljena dva parkirna mesta.

Plačan projekt predan urbanizmu.

Cena zemljišča s tem projektom je 85.000 € s provizijo.
Roh-bau opcija 350.000 € z bazenom in vsemi stenami, vse v betonu, betonska streha z izolacijo in pločevino.
Cena na ključ 650.000€ je odvisna od dodatne opreme.

Respected parties, in accordance with the Law on Real Estate Brokerage, viewing the property is only possible with the signing of the brokerage contract. According to the same, the buyer is obliged to pay the agency commission in the case of purchase.

ID CODE: 2207

Andrea De Matteo
Collaborator in the training process
Mobile: 0953311000
Phone: 051222673
Email: andrea.dematteo@ardor-realestate.com

Sandy Vinsky
Licensed agent
Mobile: 098 443 289
Phone: 051 222 673
Email: info@sendi-realestate.com


  • City Vinodolska Općina, Bribir - Vinodolska Općina
  • County Primorje-Gorski Kotar County


  • Price 650,000€
  • Type House
  • Transaction For sale
  • Area 130.00 m²
  • Rooms 4
  • Bathrooms 4
  • Parking spaces 2
  • Land surface 0.00 m²
  • Type of house freestanding,
  • ID Code HZ2207
  • The energy certificate is being prepared,
  • Energy class
  • Water, City water supply, Electricity, Asphalt road, City sewerage,
  • Utilities
  • 2,
  • Parking spaces
  • Park, Trgovina,
  • Proximity to content

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