We highlight from the offer: Kantrida residence

  • 2
  • Rooms
  • 2
  • Bedrooms
  • 1
  • Bathrooms
  • 4
  • Floor
  • 5
  • Floors
  • 57.00


Opatija, Kosićevo, prodaje se stan površine 57 m² koji se sastoji od dnevnog boravka, spavaće sobe, kupaonice i kuhinje. Stan je funkcionalno raspoređen i idealan za ugodan život. Uz stan dolazi i garaža, pružajući dodatnu pogodnost i sigurnost za vaš automobil.

Stan se nalazi na atraktivnoj lokaciji, blizu svih potrebnih sadržaja kao što su trgovine, škola, javni prijevoz i parkovi.

Dear customers, in accordance with the Law on Mediation in Real Estate Transactions, viewing the property is only possible with the signature of the Mediation Agreement. According to the same, the buyer is obliged to pay the agency commission in case of purchase.


Sandy Vinsky
Licensed agent
Mobile: 098 443 289
Phone: 051 222 673
Email: info@sendi-realestate.com

A 57 m² apartment is for sale, consisting of a living room, bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen. The apartment is functionally arranged and ideal for comfortable living. A garage is included with the apartment, providing additional convenience and security for your vehicle.

The apartment is located in an attractive area, close to all necessary amenities such as shops, schools, public transport, and parks.

Dear customers, in accordance with the Real Estate Brokerage Act, viewing the property is possible only with the signing of a Brokerage Agreement. According to this, the buyer is obliged to pay the agency commission in case of purchase.

ID CODE: 2085

Sandy Vinsky
Licensed agent
Mobile: 098 443 289
Phone: 051 222 673
Email: info@sendi-realestate.com

In vendita un appartamento di 57 m² composto da soggiorno, camera da letto, bagno e cucina. L’appartamento è funzionalmente disposto e ideale per una vita confortevole. L’appartamento include anche un garage, che fornisce ulteriore comodità e sicurezza per il vostro veicolo.

L’appartamento si trova in una zona attraente, vicino a tutti i servizi necessari come negozi, scuole, mezzi pubblici e parchi.

Gentili clienti, in conformità con la Legge sulla mediazione immobiliare, la visione della proprietà è possibile solo con la firma di un Accordo di mediazione. Secondo questo, l’acquirente è obbligato a pagare la commissione dell’agenzia in caso di acquisto.

ID CODE: 2085

Sandy Vinsky
Licensed agent
Mobile: 098 443 289
Phone: 051 222 673
Email: info@sendi-realestate.com

Eine 57 m² große Wohnung steht zum Verkauf, bestehend aus einem Wohnzimmer, Schlafzimmer, Badezimmer und Küche. Die Wohnung ist funktional gestaltet und ideal für ein komfortables Wohnen. Eine Garage ist im Preis inbegriffen, was zusätzlichen Komfort und Sicherheit für Ihr Fahrzeug bietet.

Die Wohnung befindet sich in einer attraktiven Lage, in der Nähe aller notwendigen Annehmlichkeiten wie Geschäfte, Schulen, öffentliche Verkehrsmittel und Parks.

Sehr geehrte Kunden, gemäß dem Immobilienvermittlungsgesetz ist die Besichtigung der Immobilie nur nach Unterzeichnung eines Vermittlungsvertrages möglich. Demnach ist der Käufer verpflichtet, im Falle eines Kaufs die Maklerprovision zu zahlen.

ID CODE: 2085

Sandy Vinsky
Licensed agent
Mobile: 098 443 289
Phone: 051 222 673
Email: info@sendi-realestate.com

Prodaja se stanovanje velikosti 57 m², ki obsega dnevno sobo, spalnico, kopalnico in kuhinjo. Stanovanje je funkcionalno razporejeno in idealno za udobno bivanje. Stanovanju pripada tudi garaža, ki nudi dodatno udobje in varnost za vaše vozilo.

Stanovanje se nahaja na privlačni lokaciji, blizu vseh potrebnih storitev, kot so trgovine, šole, javni prevoz in parki.

Spoštovani kupci, v skladu z Zakonom o posredovanju v prometu z nepremičninami je ogled nepremičnine mogoč le s podpisom Posredniške pogodbe. Glede na to ima kupec obveznost plačati agencijsko provizijo v primeru nakupa.

ID CODE: 2085

Sandy Vinsky
Licensed agent
Mobile: 098 443 289
Phone: 051 222 673
Email: info@sendi-realestate.com


  • City Opatija, Kosićevo - Opatija
  • County Primorje-Gorski Kotar County


  • Price 250,000€
  • Area 57.00 m²
  • Bedrooms 2
  • Rooms 2
  • Bathrooms 1
  • Transaction For sale
  • Type Apartment
  • Floor 4
  • Total floors 5
  • Apartment type in a residential building,
  • ID Code HZ2085
  • wood,
  • Heating
  • The energy certificate is being prepared,
  • Energy class
  • Voda, Centralno grijanje, Gradski vodovod, Telefon, Struja, Grijanje, Asfaltni put, Gradska kanalizacija,
  • Utilities
  • Intercom, Internet,
  • Technique
  • Park, Sports center, Post office, Bank, Shop, Near the sea, Fitness, Playground, Kindergarten, School, Public transport, Cinema,
  • Proximity to content

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  • Monthly installment

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