We highlight from the offer: Kantrida residence

Ičići, stan sa parkirnim mjestom, 48 m2

  • 218,000€
For sale
  • 2
  • Rooms
  • 1
  • Bedrooms
  • 1
  • Bathrooms
  • High ground floor
  • Floor
  • 1
  • Floors
  • 48.02


Ičići, u mirnom dijelu prodaje se stan površine 48 m2 smješten na visokom prizemlju. U dnevnom boravku je postavljen parket, a stolarija je unutra drvena dok je vanjski dio PVC sa troslojnim staklima. Grijanje je riješeno putem klima uređaja, te stanu pripada ostava u podrumu. Prodaje se bez namještaja. U cijenu je uključeno jedno parking mjesto.

Dear customers, in accordance with the Law on Mediation in Real Estate Transactions, viewing the property is only possible with the signature of the Mediation Agreement. According to the same, the buyer is obliged to pay the agency commission in case of purchase.


Sandy Vinsky
Licensed agent
Mobile: 098 443 289
Phone: 051 222 673
Email: info@sendi-realestate.com

In Ičići, an apartment of 48 m² is for sale, located on a high ground floor in a quiet area. The living room features parquet flooring, and the interior carpentry is wooden while the exterior is PVC with triple-glazed windows. Heating is provided by air conditioning, and the apartment includes a storage room in the basement. It is sold unfurnished, and one parking space is included in the price.

Dear customers, in accordance with the Real Estate Brokerage Act, viewing the property is possible only with the signing of a Brokerage Agreement. Accordingly, the buyer is obliged to pay the agency commission in case of purchase.

ID CODE: 2024

Sandy Vinsky
Licensed agent
Mobile: 098 443 289
Phone: 051 222 673
Email: info@sendi-realestate.com

Ad Ičići, in una zona tranquilla, è in vendita un appartamento di 48 m² situato al piano rialzato. Il soggiorno è dotato di pavimento in parquet, con falegnameria interna in legno e infissi esterni in PVC con vetri tripli. Il riscaldamento è fornito da un climatizzatore, e l’appartamento include un ripostiglio nel seminterrato. Viene venduto non arredato e nel prezzo è incluso un posto auto.

Gentili clienti, in conformità con la Legge sulla Mediazione Immobiliare, la visita alla proprietà è possibile solo con la firma di un Contratto di Mediazione. Di conseguenza, l’acquirente è obbligato a pagare la commissione dell’agenzia in caso di acquisto.

ID CODE: 2024

Sandy Vinsky
Licensed agent
Mobile: 098 443 289
Phone: 051 222 673
Email: info@sendi-realestate.com

In Ičići wird eine 48 m² große Wohnung zum Verkauf angeboten, die sich im Hochparterre in einer ruhigen Gegend befindet. Das Wohnzimmer ist mit Parkettboden ausgestattet, und die Innenausstattung ist aus Holz, während die Außenverkleidung aus PVC mit dreifach verglasten Fenstern besteht. Die Heizung erfolgt über eine Klimaanlage, und zur Wohnung gehört ein Abstellraum im Keller. Sie wird unmöbliert verkauft, und ein Parkplatz ist im Preis inbegriffen.

Liebe Kunden, gemäß dem Immobilienvermittlungsgesetz ist die Besichtigung der Immobilie nur mit Unterzeichnung eines Vermittlungsvertrages möglich. Dementsprechend ist der Käufer verpflichtet, die Vermittlungsprovision im Falle eines Kaufs zu zahlen.

ID CODE: 2024

Sandy Vinsky
Licensed agent
Mobile: 098 443 289
Phone: 051 222 673
Email: info@sendi-realestate.com

V Ičićih se v mirnem delu prodaja stanovanje površine 48 m², ki se nahaja v visokem pritličju. V dnevni sobi je položen parket, notranja mizarija je lesena, medtem ko je zunanjost PVC s troslojnimi stekli. Ogrevanje je urejeno prek klimatske naprave, stanovanju pripada shramba v kleti. Stanovanje se prodaja brez pohištva, v ceno je vključeno eno parkirno mesto.

Spoštovani kupci, v skladu z Zakonom o nepremičninskem posredovanju je ogled nepremičnine možen le s podpisom pogodbe o posredovanju. Skladno s tem je kupec dolžan plačati provizijo agencije v primeru nakupa.

ID CODE: 2024

Sandy Vinsky
Licensed agent
Mobile: 098 443 289
Phone: 051 222 673
Email: info@sendi-realestate.com


  • City Opatija - Surroundings, Ičići - Opatija - Surroundings
  • County Primorje-Gorski Kotar County


  • Price 218,000€
  • Area 48.02 m²
  • Bedrooms 1
  • Rooms 2
  • Bathrooms 1
  • Transaction For sale
  • Type Apartment
  • Floor High ground floor
  • Total floors 1
  • Parking spaces 1
  • Apartment type in the house,
  • ID Code HZ2024
  • Heating, air conditioning and ventilation system,
  • Heating
  • The energy certificate is being prepared,
  • Energy class
  • Water, City water supply, Air conditioning, Electricity, Heating, Asphalt road, City sewerage,
  • Utilities
  • 1,
  • Parking spaces
  • Park, Sportski centar, Trgovina, Blizina mora, Igralište, Javni prijevoz,
  • Proximity to content

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