We highlight from the offer: Kantrida residence

Brgud, građevinsko zemljište od 1589 m²

  • 65,000€
For sale


  • Price 65,000€
  • Area 1589.00 m²
  • Transaction For sale
  • Type Land
  • Land type construction,
  • ID Code HZ2353


Na prodaju je očišćeni građevinski teren površine 1.589 m², dok stvarna površina iznosi 1.620 m², smješten na atraktivnoj lokaciji u Brgudu. Provedeno je geodetsko snimanje, a zemljište je namijenjeno za poslovno-stambenu izgradnju. Građevinska dozvola je u fazi izrade, što predstavlja izvrsnu priliku za investiciju.

Dear customers, in accordance with the Law on Mediation in Real Estate Transactions, viewing the property is only possible with the signature of the Mediation Agreement. According to the same, the buyer has the obligation to pay the agency commission in case of realization of the purchase.


Andrea De Matteo
Collaborator in the training process
Mobile: 0953311000
Phone: 051222673
Email: andrea.dematteo@ardor-realestate.com

Sandy Vinsky
Licensed agent
Mobile: 098 443 289
Phone: 051 222 673
Email: info@sendi-realestate.com

A cleared building plot of 1,589 m² is for sale, with an actual area of 1,620 m², located in an attractive location in Brgud. A geodetic survey has been conducted, and the land is designated for mixed residential and commercial use. The building permit is in the process of being issued, making this an excellent investment opportunity.

Dear buyers, in accordance with the Real Estate Brokerage Act, property viewings are only possible with the signing of a Brokerage Agreement. According to the same, the buyer is obliged to pay the agency commission in the event of a purchase.

ID CODE: 2353

Andrea De Matteo
Collaborator in the training process
Mobile: 0953311000
Phone: 051222673
Email: andrea.dematteo@ardor-realestate.com

Sandy Vinsky
Licensed agent
Mobile: 098 443 289
Phone: 051 222 673
Email: info@sendi-realestate.com

In vendita un terreno edificabile sgomberato di 1.589 m², con una superficie effettiva di 1.620 m², situato in una posizione attraente a Brgud. È stato effettuato un rilievo geodetico e il terreno è destinato a un uso residenziale e commerciale. Il permesso di costruzione è in fase di elaborazione, rappresentando un’ottima opportunità di investimento.

Gentili acquirenti, in conformità con la Legge sulla mediazione immobiliare, la visita dell’immobile è possibile solo previa firma di un Contratto di mediazione. Secondo la normativa, l’acquirente è tenuto a pagare la provvigione dell’agenzia in caso di acquisto.

ID CODE: 2353

Andrea De Matteo
Collaborator in the training process
Mobile: 0953311000
Phone: 051222673
Email: andrea.dematteo@ardor-realestate.com

Sandy Vinsky
Licensed agent
Mobile: 098 443 289
Phone: 051 222 673
Email: info@sendi-realestate.com

Zum Verkauf steht ein geräumtes Baugrundstück von 1.589 m² mit einer tatsächlichen Fläche von 1.620 m² in attraktiver Lage in Brgud. Eine geodätische Vermessung wurde durchgeführt, und das Grundstück ist für eine gemischte Wohn- und Geschäftsnutzung vorgesehen. Die Baugenehmigung ist in Bearbeitung, was eine ausgezeichnete Investitionsmöglichkeit darstellt.

Sehr geehrte Käufer, gemäß dem Gesetz über die Immobilienvermittlung ist die Besichtigung der Immobilie nur mit der Unterzeichnung eines Maklervertrags möglich. Dementsprechend ist der Käufer verpflichtet, im Falle eines Kaufs die Maklerprovision zu zahlen.

ID CODE: 2353

Andrea De Matteo
Collaborator in the training process
Mobile: 0953311000
Phone: 051222673
Email: andrea.dematteo@ardor-realestate.com

Sandy Vinsky
Licensed agent
Mobile: 098 443 289
Phone: 051 222 673
Email: info@sendi-realestate.com

Na prodaj je očiščeno zazidljivo zemljišče v velikosti 1.589 m², dejanska površina znaša 1.620 m², ki se nahaja na privlačni lokaciji v Brgudu. Izvedeno je bilo geodetsko snemanje, zemljišče pa je namenjeno poslovno-stanovanjski gradnji. Gradbeno dovoljenje je v postopku pridobivanja, kar predstavlja odlično investicijsko priložnost.

Spoštovani kupci, v skladu z Zakonom o nepremičninskem posredovanju je ogled nepremičnine mogoč samo s podpisom pogodbe o posredovanju. Kupec je v primeru nakupa dolžan plačati posredniško provizijo.

ID CODE: 2353

Andrea De Matteo
Collaborator in the training process
Mobile: 0953311000
Phone: 051222673
Email: andrea.dematteo@ardor-realestate.com

Sandy Vinsky
Licensed agent
Mobile: 098 443 289
Phone: 051 222 673
Email: info@sendi-realestate.com


  • City Matulji
  • County Primorje-Gorski Kotar County
  • Park, Trgovina, Igralište, Škola, Javni prijevoz,
  • Proximity to content

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