We highlight from the offer: Kantrida residence

General business conditions


In accordance with the provisions of the Law on Mediation in Real Estate Transactions (Narodne Novine; 107/07, 144/12, 14/14, 32/19), the trading company ARDOR REAL ESTATE doo with its headquarters in Šetalište XIII Divizije 21, OIB: 07215124602, represented by the director Sendi Vinski, OIB: 09453116197, (hereinafter: intermediary),

in Rijeka, on April 1, 2019, adopts the following General Business Conditions,


General provisions

Article 1 (first)

The general business conditions (hereinafter: General Terms) of real estate brokers regulate the business relationship between the broker and the natural/legal person (hereinafter: principal) who enters into a Real Estate Brokerage Agreement with the broker.

The general terms and conditions are an integral part of the Real Estate Brokerage Agreement concluded between the broker and the client.

By concluding the Mediation Agreement, the principal confirms that he is familiar with and agrees with all the provisions of the Mediator's General Business Conditions, as well as in the case of engaging the Mediator's agents.

By accessing any part of the ardor-realestate.com website, you agree to all terms and conditions set forth in the General Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree with all of the General Terms and Conditions, please do not use this site.

The meaning of the terms contained in the General Terms and Conditions of Business

Article 2 (second)

Certain expressions in terms of the Act on Mediation in Real Estate Transactions and the General Terms and Conditions have the following meanings;

  • Real estate broker is a trading company, sole trader or tradesman, registered for the performance of real estate mediation activities, which is based in the territory of the Republic of Croatia. A real estate broker is also a trading company, sole trader or craftsman, registered for the performance of real estate brokerage activities, which has its seat on the territory of a contracting state of the Treaty on the European Economic Area.
  • Real estate brokerage agent is a natural person who is registered in the Directory of Real Estate Mediation Agents (hereinafter: Agent).
  • Mediation in real estate transactions are the actions of real estate brokers that relate to the connection between the client and a third party, as well as negotiations and preparations for the conclusion of legal transactions, the subject of which is a certain real estate, especially when buying, selling, exchanging, renting, leasing, etc.
  • Real estate are particles of the land surface, together with everything that is permanently connected to the land on the surface or under it in accordance with the provisions of the general regulation on ownership and other real rights.
  • Principal is a natural or legal person who enters into a written Real Estate Brokerage Agreement with a real estate broker (seller, buyer, lessee, lessor, lessor, lessee and other possible participants in real estate).
  • Third person is a person whom the real estate broker tries to connect with the principal in order to negotiate the conclusion of legal transactions, the subject of which is a certain real estate.
  • Agreement on mediation in real estate transactions is a written document by which the mediator undertakes to try to find and connect with the principal a person for the purpose of negotiating and concluding a certain legal transaction on the transfer or establishment of a certain right on real estate, and the principal undertakes to pay him a certain intermediary fee if that legal transaction is assembled. 
  • Exclusive Agreement on mediation in real estate transactions is a written document by which the principal undertakes not to engage any other intermediary for the mediated work. If, during the duration of the Agreement on exclusive mediation in real estate transactions, the principal concluded a legal transaction through another mediator, for which the exclusive mediator was given an order to mediate, he is obliged to pay the exclusive mediator the agreed mediation fee as well as possible additional real costs incurred during mediation for the specified mediated job. When concluding the Agreement on exclusive mediation in real estate transactions, the mediator is obliged to specifically warn the principal about the meaning and legal consequences of this clause.
  • Intermediary fee is the amount that the principal has committed to pay to the intermediary for the mediation service performed. 

Real estate offer

Article 3. (third)

  • The broker's real estate offer is based on the information he receives in writing or verbally, and is subject to confirmation. 
  • The broker disclaims responsibility for possible errors in real estate ads from the offer in case of untimely notification of the principal about price reduction, possible withdrawal from the sale/rental/lease, about the realized sale/rental/lease, as well as in the case of failure to provide relevant information about the real estate from the offer from side of the principal.
  • The broker's real estate offer and/or information must be kept in confidence by the principal and may only be transferred to another natural and/or legal person with the written approval of the broker.
  • If the principal is already aware of the real estate that is the subject of the Real Estate Brokerage Agreement, he is obliged to notify the broker in writing, via electronic mail (e-mail) or registered letter, without delay.

Obligations of intermediaries

Article 4 (fourth)

When concluding an Agreement on mediation in real estate transactions with the client, the mediator undertakes to perform the following in particular with the care of an orderly and conscientious businessman;

  • to try to find and bring a person in contact with the principal in order to conclude a mediated deal,
  • inform the client of the average market price of a similar property,
  • obtain and inspect the documents proving ownership or other real right to the property in question,
  • carry out the necessary actions for the purpose of presenting (presentation) the real estate on the market, advertise the real estate in an appropriate manner and perform all other actions agreed in the Real Estate Brokerage Agreement that go beyond the usual presentation, and for which he is entitled to special, pre-specified costs,
  • enable real estate viewing,
  • mediate in negotiations and try to reach a preliminary agreement/agreement, if he has specifically committed to it,
  • keep the principal's personal data and, upon the principal's written order, keep as a business secret information about the real estate for which he is mediating or in connection with that real estate or the business for which he is mediating,
  • if the subject of the contract is land, check the purpose of the land in question in accordance with the spatial planning regulations that refer to that land,
  • inform the principal about all the circumstances important for the intended work that are known to him or must be known to him,
  • carry out other necessary negotiations and preparatory actions for the conclusion of a legal transaction related to mediation in real estate transactions.

If the mediator, in agreement with the client, also performs other actions for him in connection with the work that is the subject of mediation, he will separately contract the work and the type and amount of costs.

Posrednik nije odgovoran za neizvršenje obveza nalogodavca i treće osobe, a koje obveze su preuzete pravnim poslom sklopljenim između nalogodavca i treće osobe, a predmet kojeg pravnog posla je nekretnina za koju je posrednik posredovao.

Dovođenje u vezu sa trećom osobom/predmetnom nekretninom

Članak 5. (peti)

Smatra se da je posrednik omogućio nalogodavcu stupanje u vezu s trećom osobom (fizičkom ili pravnom) s kojom je pregovarao za sklapanje pravnog posla, a naročito ako je;

  • neposredno odveo ili uputio nalogodavca u razgledavanje predmetne nekretnine,
  • organizirao susret između nalogodavca i treće osobe radi pregovaranja za sklapanje pravnog posla,
  • nalogodavcu priopćio ime/naziv, broj telefona, e-mail-a, ili telefaksa treće osobe ovlaštene za sklapanje pravnog posla ili mu je priopćio točnu lokaciju tražene nekretnine,
  • kada je nalogodavac zaprimio od posrednika ponudu ili e-mail sa podacima o predmetnoj nekretnini i/ili njenom vlasniku odnosno trećoj osobi ili njenom povezanom društvu/njenom drugom društvu ili osobe ovlaštene za sklapanje pravnog posla koja je iskazala interes za sklapanje pravnog posla koji se odnosi na posredovanje za predmetnu nekretninu,
  • ako je omogućio nalogodavcu kontakt sa trećom osobom na bilo koji drugi način koji ne ostavlja sumnju u identifikaciju ovlaštene osobe za pregovaranje i/ili sklapanje pravnog posla.

Ako je nalogodavac već upoznat sa nekretninama koje su mu ponuđene ili je već stupio u kontakt sa trećom osobom, obvezan je bez odgode o tome obavijestiti posrednika pisanim putem, putem elektroničke pošte (e-mail) ili preporučenim pismom. U suprotnom će se smatrati da ga je posrednik doveo u vezu sa predmetnom nekretninom odnosno trećom osobom.

Obveza nalogodavca

Članak 6. (šesti)

Ugovorom o posredovanju u prometu nekretnina nalogodavac se obvezuje da će obaviti osobito slijedeće;

  • obavijestiti posrednika o svim okolnostima koje su važne za obavljanje posredovanja i predočiti točne podatke o nekretnini te ako posjeduje dati posredniku na uvid lokacijsku, građevnu, odnosno uporabnu dozvolu za nekretninu koja je predmet Ugovora o posredovanju u prometu nekretnina te dati na uvid posredniku dokaze o ispunjavanju obveza prema trećoj strani,
  • dati posredniku na uvid isprave koje dokazuju njegovo vlasništvo na nekretnini, odnosno drugo stvarno pravo na nekretnini koja je predmet Ugovora o posredovanju u prometu nekretnina te upozoriti posrednika na sve uknjižene i neuknjižene terete koji postoje na nekretnini,
  • osigurati posredniku i trećoj osobi zainteresiranoj za zaključivanje posredovanoga posla razgledanje nekretnine,
  • obavijestiti posrednika o svim bitnim podacima o traženoj nekretnini što posebno uključuje opis nekretnine i cijenu,
  • nakon sklapanja posredovanoga pravnog posla, odnosno predugovora kojim se obvezao sklopiti posredovani pravni posao, ako su posrednik i nalogodavac ugovorili da se pravo na plaćanje posredničke naknade stječe već pri sklapanju predugovora, isplatiti posredniku posredničku naknadu, osim ako nije drukčije ugovoreno,
  • ako je to izričito ugovoreno naknaditi posredniku troškove učinjene tijekom posredovanja koji prelaze uobičajene troškove posredovanja,
  • obavijestiti posrednika pisanim putem o svim promjenama povezanim s poslom za koji je ovlastio posrednika, a posebno o promjenama povezanim s vlasništvom na nekretnini.

Nalogodavac nije dužan pristupiti pregovorima za sklapanje posredovanog posla s trećom osobom koju je posrednik našao, niti sklopiti pravni posao. 

Nalogodavac će posredniku odgovarati za štetu, ako pri tom nije postupio u dobroj vjeri te je dužan nadoknaditi sve troškove učinjene tijekom posredovanja, koji ne mogu biti manji od 1/3 niti veći od ugovorene posredničke naknade za posredovani posao.

Nalogodavac potpisom Ugovora o posredovanju u prometu nekretnina s posrednikom, pod materijalnom i kaznenom odgovornošću jamči i potvrđuje da je on osoba za koju se predstavlja, u protivnom odgovara za svu štetu prouzročenu posredniku i/ili nekoj drugoj osobi u pravnom poslu posredovanja u koji je predmet Ugovora o posredovanju.

Nalogodavac prilikom sklapanja Ugovora o posredovanju u prometu nekretnina s posrednikom potvrđuje da je dobrovoljno stavio na raspolaganje posredniku svoje osobne podatke, uključivo i OIB, a u svrhu sudjelovanja u postupku kupoprodaje/najma/zakupa nekretnine ili nekog drugog pravnog posla koji se odnosi na posredovanje u prometu nekretnina i radi utvrđenja nedvojbene identifikacije.

Nalogodavac se obvezuje kako će prilikom sklapanja pravnog posla kupoprodaje s trećom osobom koja je predmet Ugovora o posredovanju u prometu nekretnina, posredniku dati na raspolaganje sve potrebne informacije i podatke koje je posrednik u obvezi prikupiti o nalogodavcu i pravnom poslu, a koje su određene Zakonom o sprječavanju pranja novca i financiranja terorizma.

Anonimni nalogodavac

Članak 7. (sedmi)

Posrednik koji poslove posredovanja obavlja za nalogodavca koji želi ostati nepoznat nema obvezu prema trećoj osobi, koja bi s nalogodavcem željela sklopiti pravni posao, otkriti identitet nalogodavca sve do sklapanja pravnoga posla.

Intermediary fee

Članak 8. (osmi)

Posrednička naknada koju plaća Nalogodavac za uslugu posredovanja kod kupnje i prodaje nekretnine iznosi 3% kupoprodajne cijene osim ukoliko drugačije nije ugovoreno ugovorom o posredovanju između Posrednika i Nalogodavca. Na navedeni postotak posredničke naknade obračunati će se pripadajući iznos PDV-a.

Pravo na posredničku naknadu

Članak 9. (deveti)

Posrednik stječe pravo na posredničku naknadu nakon sklapanja ugovora za koji je posredovao, osim ako posrednik i nalogodavac nisu ugovorili da se pravo na plaćanje naknade stječe već pri sklapanju predugovora i/ili prvog pravnog akta između nalogodavca i treće osobe. 

U slučaju prekoračenja roka plaćanja posredničke naknade obračunavaju se zakonske zatezne kamate.

Posrednik ne može zahtijevati djelomično plaćanje posredničke naknade unaprijed, odnosno prije sklapanja ugovora, odnosno predugovora i/ili prvog pravnog akta. 

Troškove dodatnih usluga u vezi s poslom koji je predmet posredovanja u prometu nekretnina posrednik može naplatiti u visini stvarnih troškova ako je to posebno ugovoreno između posrednika i nalogodavca.

Nakon prestanka Ugovora o posredovanju u prometu nekretnina posrednik ima pravo na ugovorenu posredničku naknadu u roku do 12 (dvanaest) mjeseci ako Ugovorom o posredovanju u prometu nekretnina nije drukčije ugovoreno i u slučajevima kad nalogodavac sklopi s trećom osobom pravni posao koji se odnosi na posredovanje u prometu nekretnina i koji je posljedica posrednikova djelovanja prije prestanka Ugovora o posredovanju u prometu nekretnina.

Posrednik ima pravo na posredničku naknadu ako bračni drug, izvanbračni drug, potomak, roditelj odnosno krvni srodnik u uspravnoj ili pobočnoj liniju, osoba koja je u tazbinskom srodstvu sa nalogodavcem ili osoba koja je na bilo koji način povezana sa nalogodavcem (npr. krvno srodstvo u bilo kojoj liniji sa navedenim osobama, ovlaštena osoba, zaposlenik, poslodavac, suradnik i sl.) zaključi ugovor/predugovor ili neki drugi pravni posao koji se odnosi na promet nekretnina s osobom s kojom ga je posrednik doveo u vezu.

Odredbe iz članka 9. (devetog) stavka 6. (šestog) odnose se i na pravne osobe koje je osnovao nalogodavac odnosno bilo koja druga osoba iz prethodnog stavka ili ukoliko takve osobe obavljaju u pravnoj osobi poslove upravljanja odnosno bilo koje druge poslove.

Članak 10. (deseti)

Posrednička naknada ne uključuje slijedeće troškove koje snosi nalogodavac; prijevode ovlaštenog sudskog tumača svih dokumenata koji se odnose na predmet ovog ugovora, sudske pristojbe za uknjižbu, predbilježbu i zabilježbu, javnobilježničku nagradu pri ovjeri potpisa na ispravama, troškove sudskih pristojbi odnosno državnih biljega za pribavu vlasničkog lista, kopije katastarskog plana, uvjerenja o identifikaciji, pribave građevinske i/ili uporabne dozvole kao i/ili troškove pribave ostale dokumentacije od nadležnog suda, državne geodetske uprave, banke, upravnih odjela nadležnih tijela jedinica lokalne i/ili područne samouprave odnosno svih drugih tijela.

Nalogodavac je stoga dužan posredniku pravovremeno dostaviti dokaz o uplati navedenih troškova kako bi se navedena dokumentacije pravovremeno pribavila. Ukoliko posrednik pribavi navedenu dokumentaciju za nalogodavca, isti je dužan nadoknaditi materijalne troškove posredniku u roku 8 (osam) dana računajući od dana nastanka takvog troška.

Suradnja s drugim posrednicima za posredovanje u prometu nekretnina

Članak 11. (jedanaesti)

Posrednik je spreman za suradnju s drugim posrednicima za posredovanje u prometu nekretnina koji poštuju temeljna etička načela (kojima se isključuje iznošenje neistinitih podataka o poslovanju radi pribavljanja poslova i stranaka, omalovažavanje drugih posrednika na bilo koji način, radi pribavljanja poslova i stranaka, nerealne procjene nekretnina radi pribavljanja posredničkih poslova i istupanje u sredstvima informiranja s namjerom osobne promidžbe, a na štetu drugih).

Agreement on mediation in real estate transactions

Članak 12. (dvanaesti)

Ugovorom o posredovanju u prometu nekretnina obvezuje se posrednik da će nastojati naći i dovesti u vezu s nalogodavcem osobu radi pregovaranja i sklapanja određenoga pravnog posla o prijenosu ili osnivanju određenoga prava na nekretnini, a nalogodavac se obvezuje da će mu isplatiti određenu posredničku naknadu ako taj pravni posao bude sklopljen.

Ugovor o posredovanju u prometu nekretnina sklapa se u pisanome obliku i na određeno vrijeme.

U Ugovoru o posredovanju u prometu nekretnina sklopljenom između posrednika i nalogodavca moraju osobito biti navedeni podaci o posredniku, nalogodavcu, vrsti i bitnome sadržaju posla za koji posrednik posreduje,  visini posredničke naknade te o mogućim dodatnim troškovima koji nastanu kad posrednik u dogovoru s nalogodavcem obavlja za njega i druge usluge u vezi s poslom koji je predmet posredovanja.

Ugovor o posredovanju u prometu nekretnina može sadržavati i druge podatke u vezi s poslom za koji se posreduje (npr. rok i uvjete isplate posredničke naknade, podatke o osiguranju od odgovornosti, uvjete osiguranja isplate posredničke naknade i sl.).

Exclusive mediation

Article 13 (thirteenth)

With a contract on mediation in real estate transactions, the principal can undertake not to engage any other mediator for the mediated work (exclusive mediation), which obligation must be expressly agreed upon.

If, during the term of the contract on exclusive mediation, the principal concluded a legal transaction through another mediator, and for which the exclusive mediator was given an order to mediate, he is obliged to pay to the exclusive mediator the agreed mediation fee as well as possible additional real costs incurred during the mediation for the aforementioned mediated business.

When concluding the Agreement on exclusive mediation in real estate transactions, the mediator is obliged to specifically warn the principal about the meaning and legal consequences of this clause.

Agreement on submediation

Article 14. (fourteenth)

The broker can transfer the real estate brokerage contract to other brokers if the broker and principal so agree.

In this case, the principal remains in a contractual relationship only with the broker with whom he concluded the contract, and the broker will hand over to the principal a list of brokers to whom the Real Estate Brokerage Agreement is transferred.

Termination of mediation agreement

Article 15 (fifteenth)

An agreement on mediation concluded for a certain period ends with the expiration of the term for which it was concluded if the agreement for which it was mediated was not concluded within that period or by the cancellation of any of the contracting parties, if such a possibility is provided for in the Agreement on mediation in real estate transactions. 

In the case of the agreed possibility of unilateral cancellation of the Real Estate Brokerage Agreement, and the cancellation period is not expressly determined by the contract itself, the cancellation period is 30 (thirty) days from the receipt of the cancellation sent by registered mail with return receipt. 

The procedure for canceling the Agreement on mediation in real estate transactions cannot fall into a storm, that is, with the intention of depriving the mediator of the right to mediation compensation or knowingly causing damage.

If, within 12 (twelve) months after the termination of the Real Estate Brokerage Agreement, the client enters into a legal transaction that is a consequence of the mediator's actions prior to the termination of the Real Estate Brokerage Agreement, he is obliged to pay the intermediary fee in full.

The principal is obliged to compensate the intermediary for the costs incurred, which were otherwise expressly agreed to be paid separately by the principal.

Attention in legal transactions

Article 16 (sixteenth)

In carrying out mediation tasks, that is, other actions related to the work that is the subject of mediation, the mediator must act with increased care, according to the rules of the profession and customs (attention of a good expert).

Real estate advertising

Article 17 (seventeenth)

When advertising real estate in the media, i.e. other written and electronic media, in the broker's premises or in other places where advertising related to the real estate that is the subject of business is allowed, the broker is obliged to announce his company.

Liability insurance for damage

Article 18 (eighteenth)

An intermediary in real estate transactions is obliged to secure and renew liability insurance with the insurance company in the Republic of Croatia for damage that could be caused to the client or third parties by performing mediation.

For damage that the mediator could cause by performing mediation, the lowest insured sum cannot be less than HRK 200,000.00 (two hundred thousand kunas) per one harmful event, or HRK 600,000.00 (six hundred thousand kunas) for all compensation claims in one insurance year.

The intermediary can also be insured with an insurer in a member state of the European Union and the European Economic Area.

Keeping business secrets

Article 19 (nineteenth)

The mediator is obliged to keep as a business secret all the information he learns while performing mediation activities, which relate to the client, the real estate for which he is mediating, or are related to that real estate or to the business he is mediating for or which he concludes on the basis of a special authority.

If he violates his obligation to keep a business secret, the intermediary is obliged to compensate the injured persons for the damage they suffered due to the disclosure or non-keeping of the business secret.

It is not considered a violation of the duty to keep business secrets if, for the sake of protection, the mediator discloses the information to persons with whom he tries to connect the client, and this was absolutely necessary for the mediator to fulfill his obligation from the Real Estate Brokerage Agreement concluded with the client.

Final Provisions and Dispute Resolution

Article 20 (twentieth)

The provisions of the Real Estate Brokerage Act and the general provisions of the Obligations Act apply to relations between the broker and the principal resulting from the Real Estate Brokerage Agreement, which are not regulated by these General Terms and Conditions or the Real Estate Brokerage Agreement.

These General Terms and Conditions enter into force on the date of their adoption and remain in force until the adoption of new/amended General Terms and Conditions.

Any disputes between the mediator and the client will be resolved amicably, otherwise the competent court in Rijeka will have jurisdiction.

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